Free Web Hosting With No Ads
Most free web hosting companies require banner or text ads to be placed on your website in exchange for free web hosting. However, there are free web hosting companies that offer free web hosting with no ads. These free web hosts typically get their funding from other types of advertisements. As with any free web hosting you may be hard pressed to find any help when it comes to customer support.
Host Name | Web Hosting Review | |
1. | Free Web Space Inc. | We hope to provide great service to all users of Whether you use the service for free (with banner advertisement), or use Pro for a more professional look, can`t be beat!! Get Your Free Web Site Today! Signup Now! Free Web Space Inc. Review |
2. | Doteasy | Doteasy has never been compromised since day one. Doteasy is a premier web host, trusted by over 160,000 satisfied customers. We provide the affordable hosting solutions, expert technicians, friendly knowledgeable support, top-of-the-line hardware and tec… Doteasy Review |
3. | Weebly | When we say easy, we mean it! Weebly was named one of TIME’s 50 Best Websites of the year in 2007 and we’ve since made our service even more powerful, while keeping it simple. We have 3 million customers who would likely agree that there’s really no bette… Weebly Review |
4. | | Free Web Hosting. Never a monthly fee of any kind. Simply register a domain with us for $35 and get a year of FREE hosting. has been in the Domain Registration and Web Hosting business for over 10 years. Our customers host numerous sites of all… Review |
5. | Free Website | Unique Eco-friendly free website hosting service that works for both experienced users and beginners, as provides advanced PHP, MySQL, CGI support, and easy-to-use automatic installation of Wordpress blog or Joomla site. No forced adverts on free h… Free Website Review |
6. | Patel Host | Simply Better Hosting is the easiest way to host your website on the reliable company within 5 minutes once registration is done. Our automated system will check and activate your account without waiting and send you all of the necesary info… Patel Host Review |
7. | Yupage | Our mission is to give the best FREE web hosting to our members. Yupage Review |
8. | XbizHost | Our powerful free hosting plan has PHP 5 and MySQL support. You get a free sub-domain. FTP access. Add on your own TLD domains using the domain manager. With the Automatic Script Installer (Like Fantastico) included with every free hosting plan. XbizHost Review |
9. | EOHOST | EOHOST is a favorite home for more than 500.000 web sites. We are dedicated to provide everything for your online presence starting from domain name registration(s) and shared web hosting to e-commerce solutions, VPS hosting and SSL certificates. EOHOST Review |
10. | | Free Web Space, Free Website! Easily create your personal, business and e-learning website in a few minutes. Populate contents of your web site like files. Supports rich text, uploading files, multimedia, exercises, quizzes, articles, forums, math formula… Review |
11. | Unlimited Host | Our feature rich plan gives you the flexibility to create multiple domains and sub domains on one account all sharing the same control panel. The free hosting service that we have been providing since 2009 includes a professional and friendly customer sup… Unlimited Host Review |
12. | UltimateFreeHost | We offer you free hosting with 99.9% uptime and php 5.4, 5.3, 5.2, mysql 5, cpanel, no ads, ftp, perl, email, auto installer, website builder, and much more. Come and try us with absolutely $0.00 to sign up. We do not put any single ads in your site. Your… UltimateFreeHost Review |
13. | FreeGreenHost | FreeGreenHost provides powerful free web hosting as well as quality premium services. All plans run on our clustered platform and run on green wind power. Neutralize the carbon footprint of your web presence with quality web hosting from FreeGreenHost. FreeGreenHost Review |
14. | ULTIMAX | We are specialists in free hosting services using clustered technology powered by a one of the largest hosting organisations on the internet. You can sign up here for fast free PHP & MySQL hosting including a free sub domain. A powerful Vista Panel contro… ULTIMAX Review |
15. | onPHP | At onPHP you will have the best php web hosting features that you need to create a great site without a lot of technical knowledge or previous website building experience. You can use the Blog installer to install WordPress, Joomla and a lot more website … onPHP Review |
16. | | Free shared hosting (No Ad`s) is the real deal. There are no hidden fees, no deposit or credit card required. Signing up for a free web hosting account is fast and easy. Review |
17. | Phangkong | Free web hosting is the real deal. There are no hidden fees, no deposit or credit card required. Signing up for a free web hosting account is fast and easy. There are only several steps in our registration process. The best thing about our services is tha… Phangkong Review |
18. | 618Host | We are one of the fastest growing web hosting providers on the web. Why? Because we are offering something outstanding of incredible value for an incredible price. Free! Our state of the art servers, with a powerful internet backbone infrastructure, will … 618Host Review |
19. | Hostezr | Hostezr offers one of the best free hosting plans available! At hostezr we do not place ads on your websites. We do not limit your server resources other than specified in the free hosting plan. And we do not force or ask for purchase to continue hosting … Hostezr Review |
100 Best Web Hosting Terms
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Term of the day
NSI (Network Solutions Inc.)
Network Solutions, Inc. NSI was the company that acted as the sole registry and registrar for the .com, .net, and .org top-level domains from 1993-1999, pursuant to a cooperative agreement with the United States Government. NSI has been acquired by VeriSign, Inc., which currently operates the .com, .net, and .org top-level domain registries pursuant to agreements with ICANN and the United States Government. NSI is also one of nearly 100 companies that have been accredited by ICANN to offer registrar services in those and other top-level domains.
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