TemplateMonster - Best Templates

Category: Related Awards

TemplateMonster has been awarded for the Best Web Templates for 2009 by 100best-web-hosting.com TemplateMonster was chosen because of their easy to navigate web site, professional service, great looking designs, and versatile customer purchase options.

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The days of ugly html only sites are over thanks to TemplateMonster.com and their vast array of professional looking web site templates. Small businesses no longer need a designer, and artistically-challenged individuals can have great looking sites too, using TemplateMonster's easy to download templates.

Customers may browse their online site design gallery by author, content, keyword and price. When users find a design they like they may choose to purchase the regular version, or pay a little more for the unique price, the exclusive ownership of the design- assuring that their site will not be the same as another site (or, heaven forbid, the same is a competitors' site.)

TemplateMonster.com offers full site designs, home page only designs, logo designs, flash templates and more. The prices are remarkably low for the quality of the designs and the ease of using the templates. TemplateMonster.com is a stand out service and one customers can continue to count on for great services in 2010.

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100 Best Web Hosting Terms
Term of the day
CIDR - Classless InterDomain Routing
Technique supported by BGP4 and based on route aggregation. CIDR allows routers to group routes together in order to cut down on the quantity of routing information carried by the core routers. With CIDR, several IP networks appear to networks outside the group as a single, larger entity. With CIDR, IP addresses and their subnet masks are written as 4 octets, separated by periods, followed by a forward slash and a 2-digit number that represents the subnet mask.

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