HostMonster vs. HostGator

Category: Web Host Comparisons

HostMonster and HostGator offer cheap web hosting packages. This article contains a HostMonster review, a HostGator review, and a comparison of HostMonster vs. HostGator. Keep reading for more information on HostMonster versus HostGator web hosting.

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When you are ready to set up an ecommerce Web site online, you will need a Web host to take care of it. In order to stake your claim in cyberspace, you need to be able to set up your Web site on a server. A server is a computer that provides space for your Web site. A Web site takes up disk space, and when people visit it, it uses bandwidth. This means that somewhere, your Web site needs to exist. A server provides this. A Web host is someone who owns a server. You can rent space on the server to set up your Web site.

Two Web hosts that can help you set up your address in cyberspace are HostMonster and HostGator. Both of them offer low-cost packages that allow you upgrade to other packages with more features. Shared hosting services are most popular with both of these Web hosts, meaning that your Web site will be hosted on the same server as other sites. It is also worth noting that both HostMonster and HostGator are cPanel hosts. cPanel is hosting software that combines intuitive and advanced hosting controls. A cPanel control panel makes it is for you, as a site administrator, to oversee your Web site. It also makes it easier for your Web hosts to keep track of your domains. Here are brief overviews of HostMonster and HostGator.


HostMonster is consider one of the best cPanel hosts. HostMonster has been around since 1996, and provides a great deal of support and service. The company was one of the first hosting companies, and has a wealth of knowledge and expertise. HostMonster offers packages starting at $3.95 per month. Included in a HostMonster package is free site promotion, free domain name or transfer from another host, easy installation of scripts for use with shopping carts and other ecommerce functions and continued support.

Additionally, HostMonster provides 24/7 support and service, as well as a number of templates that can help you build your Web site. You also have access to your Web site stats, so you can see how things are going. HostMonster also provides you with email accounts and unlimited domains. You also get $25 in free Yahoo credits and $50 in free Google credits.


Like HostMonster, HostGator is one of the top Web hosting companies in the world. HostGator packages start at $4.95 and go up to $7.95 and $12.95. These packages include different features. Only one domain is allowed with the smallest Web hosting package from HostGator, but you can have unlimited subdomains and FTP accounts. However, this package also comes with free set up, no contract, instant backup and 24/7 support. Free $25 in Google AdWords also comes with the basic HostGator plan. HostGator also offers a reselling program, in which you can sell HostGator space for a little extra income.

In either case, you are likely to be just fine with your ecommerce Web host. In the end, it depends on your business needs, and what you would like to accomplish. HostGator makes it easy to scale up your operation, but HostMonster offers their hosting for less. And, since both are cPanel Web hosts, you are likely to have the convenience you need.

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100 Best Web Hosting Terms
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NS Record
Name Server Record. An NS record declares that a given zone is served by a given name server. Every NS record is either a delegation record or an authority Record. If the name of the NS record is the name of the zone it appears in, it is an authority record. If the name of the NS record is that of a descendant zone, then it is a delegation record.

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